Genetic Genealogy

Tangled Web Genealogy specializes in Genetic Genealogy

Genetic genealogy is the use of DNA testing in combination with traditional genealogical and historical records. Genetic genealogy involves the use of genealogical DNA testing together with documentary evidence to infer the relationship between individuals. 1

Tangled Web Genealogy helps you sort and make sense of your DNA matches, by analyzing the amount of shared DNA– measured in centimorgans (cM)– evaluating the probable relationships, and test our hypotheses with documentary evidence.

This type of research is helpful in breaking down brick walls, and finding biological family.

DNA Tools

Sherri Steele uses the latest methodology and tools to analyze your DNA Results

  • genetic genealogy DNA tools used at tangled web genealogy
  • genetic genealogy DNA tool - Leed Method used at tangled web genealogy
  • DNA tools used at tangled web genealogy
  • Genetic Genealogy Chromosome Browser, used by Sherri Steele
  • WATO tool used by Tangled Web Genealogy

Resources used, as illustrated in the slideshow: DNAPainter’s What Are the Odds probability tool, GeneticAffairs, Leeds Method, and

How We Use These Tools

  • Identify biological family: biological parents – grandparents – siblings – cousins
  • Analyze and cluster your DNA matches
  • Identifying genetic family, leading back to your ancestors
    • Often points to potential biological father and mother
    • Once the possible identification has been made, additional DNA testing might be suggested to prove that the connection is accurate

