Helping Adoptees Use DNA to Identify Biological Family

Question: “I’m adopted, searching for my biological parents. How can DNA help me?”

Answer: DNA testing is a great tool for adoptees to use when searching for birth family. Are you adopted or wanting to learn the identify of a biological parent? We help adoptees and others with unknown parentage use direct-to-consumer DNA tests to identify biological family. If you have not yet DNA tested, we will craft a testing plan for you. For most people in this situation the test of choice is autosomal DNA (offered by companies such as AncestryDNA, MyHeritage, FTDNA).

Using DNA to solve unknown parentage mysteries.

The next step is straight forward – you order a kit which arrives a few days later; you send in a saliva sample; and wait six to eight weeks for processing. At which point the DNA company website presents you with a list of matches – people with whom you share DNA. For a small number of test-takers, a “Close Relative” such as a parent or sibling will show up as a match right away. For other test-takers, it will take some effort and time and to identify immediate family. We can take care of this process for you! We sort your matches, apply scientifically based principles to help make sense of all your DNA relatives, and eventually work to place them in your family tree.

Do you need help deciding which test to take? Have you already tested and need assistance understanding the results? Contact us for a free consultation.

Tangled Web Genealogy